I leave you this brief review of what you can learn in this fully professional course on on-site attraction for multilevel Marketing. The course which, from my point of view, all networker must have. The training is divided into a series of modules arranged in an ideal way so you go by incorporating knowledge and putting them into practice, always from the simplest until more detailed. Let?s see what it is. At Shimmie Horn you will find additional information. The first module refers to a topic that many dealers put aside and that is essential to start with the right foot as it lays the foundations on which you?ll build your business MLM and your success in it. This module is called thinking, belief and conviction. Here is will teach you how to achieve a correct mindset that takes you to the action and results; also see what are 5 beliefs of a Networker bridges and traversing them to have a solid business. You will also have a series of recommended books that will help you in this first step. The Module 2 is the list of consideration. Here you will be delivered a downloadable file in Excel with formulas based on psychographic & 4 psychological variables to identify qualified prospects. Surely when you entered to the multilevel, your upline told you you hicieras a hot list in which you included everyone, that all are prospects and the truth is that it is not (if you put it into practice know by own experience). As well, in this module, Erick Gamio & Jose Miguel Arbulu will teach you really research your hot market with a smart and functional list. You will learn the psychographic filters to take into account in the selection of qualified prospects so that you can also create your own list (I repeat, a serious list, not one that seems phonebook). Make click on the link below and I purchased the course now! What are you waiting for? In module 3 (the filter call) will learn to make a REAL business call.
Source: http://www.penn10.org/mlm-business-marketing/
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