All living beings have a sexual nature that is expressed differently for each species and even among different members of the same species.? This is especially true for humans.? The way we express our sexuality is a metaphor for the way we are living our life and it reveals to us our deepest natural desires.? When our sexual hormones are flowing, we strive to connect with others who match our particular concepts of what is attractive and appealing.? As we develop a long term relationship with one person, even if that person made us hot and jealous and possessive in the early days, the excitement tends to dissipate and we start to look at this very real person in front of us.? Often we are not as thrilled as we once were, especially other people we are not that close to appear to have more exciting and sexy qualities.
Can SEXUAL EXPRESSION continue to thrive in a long term intimate relationship with one and the same person for many years?
You may have had your ups and downs and have managed to maintain a strong INCENTIVE, INTENTION,? PRESENT MOMENT awareness, DRIVE,? inner ARCHITECT,? PATIENCE,ability to SURRENDER,? COMMITMENT, TRUST, DISCERNMENT, PASSION, DESIRE,? CREATIVITY, even? SENSUALITY your body may interfere with your mind?s good intentions and basic values.? However, if your SEXUAL EXPRESSION is not authentic, truly expressing your deepest longing and desires, then there is a part of you that you are witholding from your relationship and your life.
Today?s question is:? Can you reveal your most intimate and personal SEXUAL EXPRESSION with a long term partner with whom you share your daily life troubles, successes, fears and joys?
- ?Is your mind flooded with imaginary scenes of bliss with your partner?
- Are you fantasizing about other men or women while viewing your current partner as a friend or like a family member?
- Do you find yourself most attracted to someone of a different nationality, age group, socioeconomic level, or value system, in other words, someone who does not really match your background, training, values or your level of life success?
Ask yourself NOW: Do I allow my authentic and natural SEXUAL EXPRESSION to reveal itself in my most intimate relationship or is there something I have been afraid to express and reveal?
SEXUAL EXPRESSION is often overlooked, denied, suppressed, and undervalued in an intimate relationship as the bonding, connection and interdependence grows.? When each partner feels as if they are fully expressing their sexuality, the sexual connection becomes a small and seemingly insignifcant part of the relationship.? However, when one or both partners feel as if they are suppressing something, if they feel drawn to others outside the relationship, if they are feeling emotionally stifled, then it may be time to seek counseling, specifically sexual counseling, for this very basic and important aspect of an intimate relationship.
Relationships are built upon the complexity and interactions among all the different possible qualities, both positive and negative, that we can bring.? Every quality is important, to some degree.? It is really the balance among all the different possibilities that can lead to joy and happiness or sadness and emotional devastation.
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